All savings are designed to meet your desired needs. Our thrift savings account provides you with an opportunity to save towards various goals. We believe that saving money should be for everyone and by everyone. The Thrift Savings Account is a flexible and convenient savings account, designed for persons to make savings regularly on a daily basis. Through this type of savings, persons will be able to save a constant amount of small capital of at least one hundred naira (₦100) daily overtime with a monthly charged commission which varies according to the person’s savings ability.


  •  Eligible to get a Loan from us
  • One of the best features of our Daily Savings Account is the Automatic Savings Program (ASP) using your phone through our Field Agent or Mobile App.
  • Safe and secure with free credit and debit alert.
  • Eliminate banking queues
  • Tax-Free Savings Account
  • Encourages you to save daily
  • Make withdrawal anytime, anywhere with no minimum balance
  • Reduces transportation cost and risk of taking money to the bank
  • Check your account balance and apply for loans using our USSD code: *347*14#

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